I define the activity of leadership as the mobilization of the resources of a people or of an organization to make progress on the difficult problems it faces…
Ronald Heifetz
Aligning people behind a vision or goal takes time and attention and if done well pays off in the bottom line performance of organizations. David facilitates meetings and processes to allow groups to achieve these tasks by focusing on issues or problems that may distract them from their desired outcomes. David focuses on “the how” of a meeting, structuring the process, introducing helpful tools, holding the group accountable for its goals and communication process so that team members or community members can focus on “the what”; the content, the problems to be solved, the issues to be addressed. Aligning meeting participants behind a common direction or set of goals is a primary objective for facilitation.
David facilitates for a variety of outcomes. Some examples:
- Problem solving meetings using interactive tools for participants to collaborate and make progress on the challenges they face.The process is informal and requires participants to work side by side, fostering greater openness and trust.
- Strategic Planning processes to examine the current reality, identify a desired future state and create a road map including goals and objectives for how to create the desired future.
- Hybrid programs in which facilitation is augmented with training on best practices that can support the team as it moves forward.
- Experiential programs that help participants identify how they work together, noticing what is working well and developing new strategies for more productive interaction and more effective norms.
Someone exercising leadership is orchestrating a process of getting factions with competing definitions of a problem to start learning from one another…
Ronald Heifetz